Advanced Review Request

Advanced Copy Review Request

Please see my Review Policy page on my blog for more details about what genres I review, how I rate books, and release window info.  If you are a traditionally published author, please send a print galley to P.O. Box 156; Nederland, Texas 77627 for review.  For indie and self-published authors, where a physical galley is not necessarily always possible, I accept both eBook and physical galley requests for review. 

My prioritization tier is as follows:  print indie or self-pub, eBook indie or self-pub, then traditionally published (which must be a physical galley).  I also accept audiobooks!  Books published by the Big Four publishers (Hachette, Simon & Schuster/Penguin Random House, Macmillan, and HarperCollins) or any of their imprints (or their distributions) are considered traditionally published. 

For physical galleys, I post snippet reviews everywhere I have accounts, including Goodreads, Instagram and full reviews will be posted on my blog.  Books I absolutely loved may also be featured in my Instagram feed. eBook reviews will be posted on my blog, unless the book was linked through a galley site, such as NetGalley, BookSirens, or Edelweiss; then, a review will be featured there as well as on my blog and Goodreads.

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