Review Policy

Review Policy

Review Policy

The most important thing to me is the integrity of the reader community and the trust given to a review. Therefore it is my policy that I give honest reviews in exchange for Advanced Reader Copies (ARC's). While I am unable to promise that I will be able to review your book, please do not hesitate to reach out to inquire.

If I do not like a book, I will be honest and constructive. In addition, I will also try to provide suggestions for readers should I feel if the book was not for be but would better suit other readers.

I am a new bookish blog so I am still reviewing my stats. I do have an instagram following of 50+ followers that is growing every day.

What I review

The list below is meant to be a "guide" and is not exclusively exhaustive:






-Contemporary Romance*

-Lightly Spiced

-Heavily Spiced

-Dark Romance**



-Any and all fantasy since it's my favorite Genre

Science Fiction:



-Space Opera



-Time Travel

-Alternate History

Historical Fiction*


 -Note: I am extremely picky about the horror books I read. I find horror movies are almost easier than horror books. Please feel free to fill out the Review Request form and I will see if your book is a good fit for me.

* - Please contact me with more details

** - Please include all trigger warnings in the Review Request form

Currently Accepting

Review Requests*

Cover Reveals

Blog Tours


* Please only request if your book has an original release date less than 30 days old.





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