House Of Marionne is a story that grabs you with the glitz and glamor and then keeps you there for the tale of generational trauma and how to overcome it. It features a girl named Quell (interesting name but I love it) watching her grow into not just who she's meant to be, but who she WANTS to be. Quell is a strong character, and she is finding her strength in places she never expected. This book was one of my most-anticipated reads of the year, and I was thrilled when I found the first few chapters riveting. When I finished the book absolutely enjoying it, I walked away wanting more.
I will say that the romance felt a little rigid to me, but based on the ending, I'm curious if that was purposeful. I also think that the reading matched with Quell's own journey and growing as a person. It was captivating and inviting, perfect for readers between middle grade and YA. I am really interested to see where Elle is going to take the story to next.
The plot twists felt never ending. And though a couple of them were expected, I really found myself flying through the entire book. My one issue was the lack of depth to some of the characters. Quell's desire for success at Chateau Soleil were evident, however I felt like she was more of a pawn on a chess board than the main character in a YA novel.
My biggest issue was the lack of depth to the characters. Quell's motivations for wanting to succeed at Chateau Soleil were clear, but I felt as though she was written in a manner that made her feel more like a pawn on a chessboard than a heroine in YA novel. To avoid spoilers, there was one specific part where it made Quell seem like she had no thoughts, feelings, and/or opinions about one of the other characters and the way she was being treated by a certain family member.
But the book isn't without it's merits. I love the ballgowns, glittering tiaras and never ending plot twists, So I will definitely be on the lookout for the next installment in the series, possibly for the ending alone. One thing I am hoping for is that there will be a deeper dive into the Order, the magic system, and Quell as a whole.
Thank you to J. Elle and Penguin Teen for the advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review!
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